Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Continue Steadfast, for the Battle Rages, but Consider Yourselves Already Victorious
Message Given by Our Lady Queen for the Chosen Ones of the End Time to a Soul to Reach the Heart of Every Man

The Mother speaks to the chosen ones
My dear ones, you know, beloved: the evil one wants to destroy the world, he wants to damage, to the point of ruin, the splendid Creation of God.
The envy that drove him at the beginning of everything now wants to complete the work. His ferocity is terrible and he spares no blows, for the hatred within him is inextinguishable. The days are now numbered for him; he knows them and works hard to wreak as much havoc as possible in every environment.
There is little he could do if men did not listen to him so much, there is little he could do if they were willing to eradicate him.
This is not the case, My dear daughter: too many of your brethren have allowed themselves to be shackled by him, imprisoned by his insidious blandishments. I see them so ensnared by evil that I tremble for them.
Jesus does not want to be King of a small people, He does not want to reign over a few; You must know that your zeal prepares for you and for your fellow brethren what you would never dream of having, because it is apparently unattainable...
Jesus is always at your side wherever you go and I am with Him.
Continue steadfast, for the battle rages, but consider yourselves already victorious.
Source: ➥